01 Mar

The writing process is a unique set of steps designed to enhance the quality of content writers produce. However, the mindset behind the common writing process is boring and mundane. It barely gives life to your writing experience and has no thrill factor. 

Here at litislife.com I have no interest in helping you barely give life to your writing. When it comes to your writing, I want you to kill it. The goal is for you to write well in everything you compose. Once you’ve written your heart out and revised it to death, it's set-in stone for the world to see. 

I want people to reflect on your writing like an obituary and grieve until you write something else. I want your readers in a state where they can’t believe you're gone, and somewhere deep in their heart they hope for your return. They can’t forget you and they don’t know how they’ll go on in life without you. Just like losing a loved one, all you want to do is reverse time and see them again. That’s how I want people to miss your writing. 

Make them go through the five stages of grief because you wrote so well: Denial- because your writing was more entertaining than a movie, Anger- because they’re almost done reading it, Bargaining- with online sources to find more of your writing, Depression- when they can’t find more of your content, and Acceptance- that until you write again they may have to revert back to watching TV.  

This can only happen when you write in hunt mode!

The normal writing process is a series of actions taken while producing any kind of text. The normal writing process usually looks something similar to this: Plan, outline, write, revise, edit, publish. The mentality behind those steps is passive, boring, and in need of a creative swap.

I’d like to offer you a more aggressive approach in the hunt for your best writing. Picture yourself as a hunter and its open season. You can’t activate hunt mode and kill it with a polite writing process. Creating written content is a vast wilderness teeming with the life of words. You need to be a Hunter! This simple swap in mentality will help you develop as a hunter when it comes to creating written content. Let the writing process become the hunting process. Let the hunting process replace the writing process.
                                                                      The Swap: 

The writing process                         Becomes                         The Hunting Process       

Plan –                                                                                                            Target       

Outline –                                                                                                       Pursue        

Write –                                                                                                           Kill        

Revise –                                                                                                        Clean        

Edit –                                                                                                             Cook       

Publish –                                                                                                      Share

Target- This is where you ponder what type of writing will fall victim to you today.

Pursue- This is where you focus on how you will execute this type of writing.

Kill- You’ve found your target and the means by which you will execute. Now focus, pick the right time, and take the shot.

Clean- Boom, you got it. Now it’s time to remove the entrails of the writing because you don’t want unnecessary items contaminating your writing. 

Cook- You must further prepare your kill by making sure it’s safe to consume by your readers. Underprepared writing can make your readers sick.

Share- You went on a hunt for your best writing. You’re so proud that you picked a target, pursued it, killed it, cleaned it, and cooked it. Now invite some friends, family, neighbors, and even unknown people to the table and share it.

This is the type of mentality that will give you the tools you need. I hope you have a successful journey on the Hunt for your best writing.

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