17 Apr

At Lit is Life, LLC we don't just care about your book, we care about you. We care about the quality of your experience as well as the quality of your project. We do not force fed stressed out authors that feel grid locked into contracts they aren't comfortable with and need a law degree to understand. We're a less hassle publishing company that will advise and strongly recommend changes that will yield you as the author the best results. We would prefer you have the freedom to focussing on writing, while we focus on making your books vision come to life. We are preparing this meal together. You give the recipe and we get the ingredients, and take them to the kitchen. We'll use the best cooking materials and equipment to broadcast your creation to the world. 

Never write while your hungry!

But, back to your book. Lit is Life was created to inspire writing. A publishing company that is focused on author success. Our desire is to create a special form of publishing that contains transparency and provides options to authors that other publishing companies won't. Part of these options will be freedom and flexibility. Yes to long to term contracts and book deals, but also yes to flexible contracts and one book deals. You as the author place the handcuffs on how many books you want to published under the Lit is Life. In other words you can come and go as you please. This type of flexibility allows authors to shop around for different projects they plan to have published. However, this is not to be confused with publishing rights.

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